Tuesday, June 4, 2013


Dear 10th graders,

We have a vocab test on the 10th (b-day) 11th (a day). All the SAT words we've gone over will be tested.


THEY ARE TWO  1-PAGE ESSAYS. MUST BE TYPED, 12 pt font, Times New Roman.

1. Trapped/Blinded essay
Due 6/10, (b day) and 6/11 (a day)
  A short essay on 2 characters who were trapped or blinded in a story/poem you read this year. Compare and contrast them. Consider: What blinded/trapped them? Did they recover? Why or why not? Why did the author use this idea of someone losing sight or being stuck?

DUE 6/14 (B DAY) 6/17 (A DAY)
- 1 page research essay on Gandhi or Nelson Mandela. You need 2 sources from EBSCO Host. The focus for this short essay will be your research quality (not grammar, organization, etc).

***Besides your Death of a Salesman/Wrestler essay, these 2 essays and your work on Letter from a Birmingham Jail, there are very few grades in MP 4. Be careful with your grades.***

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

6-7 Paragraph Argument Essay Due Tuesday/Wed 14/15th Death of a Salesman

Typed, Times New Roman 12 pt.

Choose 1 question for your essay.

1. Which work more accurately portrays the struggle masculinity? How? Why?

2. Which work is more relevant today? How Why?

3. Which work illustrates the American Dream in a more poignant way?

Choose six or seven paragraphs. (1 or 2 counterarguments) The more you do the better your grade.

We will outline the essay in class the 8th and 9th. On the 10th and 13th you will begin handwriting and collecting quotes as we finish The Wrestler.

B-Day classes this is due Tuesday the 14th. A-Day it's due Wednesday the 15th.

Monday, April 22, 2013

Dear Students,

Just a reminder: grades are important in the beginning and middle of the marking period, too.

Best of luck,

Mr. Larkins

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Native Son Project

Due the day we return from break: April 15 Monday.

James Baldwin said Native Son perpetuated racist views against African-Americans. Read the PS back section of our novel and write a short essay of 400 words about who is correct: Baldwin or Wright.
For more on Baldwin's thoughts, see the last page of this: http://www.uhu.es/antonia.dominguez/semnorteamericana/protest.pdf

Don't forget 3rd video interview due Wed. April 17.

Monday, April 1, 2013


These words are words you know BUT they have meanings at you need to know both meanings.

The list below contains a number of very common words, along with their less common definitions. Ones that have shown up on recent SATs are marked with an asterisk. You shouldn't go crazy over these because the SAT is far more likely to test words like trite, paradigm, multifarious, and esoteric, but you should keep them in mind.

Affect/Affected (n., adj.) - Artificial or pretentious behavior

*Alien (adj.) - Unfamiliar, foreign

Badger (v.) - To bother, question repeatedly

*Bent (n.) - A liking or talent for (syn: predilection, proclivity, penchant). The SAT really likes this one!

*Bridge (v.) - To join two things together

*Buffet (v.) - To toss around (e.g. the ship was buffeted by high winds)

*Carp (v.) - To complain

Cave (v.) - To give in, acquiesce

Constitution (n.) - The physical character, health of a body

Crop  (v.) - To cut short

*Elliptical (adj.) - Indirect, vague

*Embroider (v.) - To elaborate or exaggerate

Flag (v.) - To diminish

Floor (v) - To shock or stun

Grate (v.) - To have an irritating effect

*Grave/Gravity (adj.) - Serious

Grill (v.) - To question intensively

*Hail (v.) - To proclaim enthusiastically

Lumber (v.) - To move heavily or clumsily, especially with great bulk

*Mint (n., v.) - A factory where money is produced / To produce money
Milk (v.) - To attempt to get recognition or applause (e.g. to milk an audience)

*Modest (adj.) - Simple, unadorned

*Pedestrian (adj.) - Dull, unoriginal

*Police (v.) - To regulate, control

*Pore (n.) - To read over or study with great attention

*Qualify (v.) - To modify or soften the severity of a statement

Rail (v.) - To complain about or denounce bitterly

Rank (adj.) - Having an offensively strong or unclean odor

Rake (n.) - A dissolute man, womanizer

Root (v.) - To rummage around, search

*Severe (adj.) - Austere, rigid

Slight (v.) - To insult, put down

Spare (adj.) - Simple, undecorated

Staple (n.) - A fundamental (e.g. staple crop)

Stem (v.) - To put a stop to

*Subscribe (v.) - To believe in

Sustain (v.) - To withstand

Temper: (v.) to lessen, relax.


 Imagine you are Holden's doctor.

Choose one of the following diagnoses and write the conversation of you (the doctor) telling him his diagnosis. Choose only 1 diagnosis. You must include 3 resources and cite them properly. MLA format. Total 5 paragraphs typed. Times New Roman 12 pt. font. Due Friday with book.



Friday, March 22, 2013

Long Hot Summer of 2013


Great blog and post about the dangers of injustice. Injustice leads to violence.

My students are reading Native Son. We read Malcolm X and Fahrenheit 451. We will watch a short film on Israel/Palestine and finally, discuss: When is violence justified?

Extra credit for responses!