Monday, February 13, 2012

Article Analysis

What is this article trying to persuade the reader about?

What is voter suppression and what can it look like?

What do you feel has been suppressed in your life?

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Blinded/Trapped Project Details

For this project, due March 14:

2.5 pages
1 outside source.

Choose three different books you've read in the last year and write a research essay with an original thesis. Create a thesis about how characters in the books (plural) act trapped or blind. Use five quotes from the three books.  Your original thesis should apply to all the three characters and should be original, your own.
An example thesis that's slightly not specific enough is "___, ___, ___, feel trapped in their world because of their identify."

This is a major grade for marking period three. 

Your outside source should come from the library databases, especially EBSCO HOST.

username orangehs
password orange

Saturday, February 4, 2012