Friday, April 27, 2012


1. What is a symbol?

2. What could be a few different symbols for marital conflict if you were writing a play, story, tv show, poem, or movie about a divorce?


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  2. A symbol is a thing that represents something else, especially an object that represents an idea. For example, in a disputed marriage presented in a play, the marital conflict can be symbolized by a perfume, chocolate box, or cigarette. In the play, the man of the house is having an affair with an estrange woman while his wife is on a business trip in Hawaii. When she arrives home, she notices something different about her husband, to be exact, he has a different scent. Every time the "scent" appears in the play, it symbolizes that the marriage is getting closer to an end because the man has once again visited his mistress. Noticing this difference in him, she becomes distant, and ends up recuperating her bad habits which involves smoking. The more she smokes, the more she becomes psychopathic and begins to furtively follow her husband everywhere he goes. At home, she finds a chocolate box in her husband's closet and begins to think it's hers, but unfortunately he never gave them to her because the next day it was gone. The man tries to act normal at home, but is beginning to fall for the estrange woman. The chocolate box constantly appears in the play, but none is given to the wife which means there's just little hope for the marriage.

  3. A symbol is a sign that is often used to represent something; or it could hold a certain type of value. Symbols appear frequently because they are signs that can help a person to figure out something. Whenever, i do something, i often tend to use symbols. They can be found in equations, text, etc. that may help someone to understand what to do and how to approach what they are doing. Just how letters are found everywhere, and everything that you do involves the usage of letters, symbols are very equivalent to that but the only difference is that it may not be used as frequent as letters. Moreover, symbols are basically signs that makes situations difficult or easy, depending on how it is used. Nevertheless, the usage of symbols can appear in plays, shows, poems and movies that can represent conflict, love, hatred, etc. If i had to create a play, movie or poem that symbolized something like divorce, i would probably use broken hearts, veins, letters/signs that mean bad things (profanity), fists, mouths yelling at something, broken glass and broken rings. All of these things symbolizes my way of saying that a divorce or conflict has occured because it shows corruption and emotion. However, in plays, a lot of yelling would take place and negative physical interactions would also occur. In conclusion, these are the things that i would use to portray the symbol of divorce because that is my sense of imagery that i would want to portray.

  4. 1. A symbol is something that is representation for something else. It can figuratively, literally, or morally represent a person, place, thing, or idea.

    2. When figuring out conflict in the setting of marital status and divorce, things such as communication, trust, togetherness would represent a marital relationship. Symbols for Communication, trust, and togetherness would be: constant conversation (communication), sharing of bank account (trust), and affection (togetherness). These are all things that express a prosperous marriage, while the opposite would be; no deliberate talking (communication), separate bank accounts (trust), and no affection (togetherness) represent reason for divorce.

  5. A symbol is somethting that represents something else. A simple symbol could stand for a more complex meaning. On rare occations one symbol could stand for different things depending on how the symbol is being used for talked about. When a couple, especially a married couple, are going through a conflict it is easily spotted through their action; the way they talk to each other, the way they act around each other and also they way they treat one another. Depending on the situation of who the couple are determines how their conflict is being showed. In plays, stories, television shows, poems and movie all show them in different ways. In a recent movie I seen, they showed the conflict of the couple. In certain plays they tell you about the conflict or you would have to figure it out by really playing attention to the play itself. In most plays and books, conflicts are close to always represented through an object. In the OPA/OHS reproduction of Julius Caesar, the conflict wasnt as much one of a marital conflict but it was a conflict over a nontangable object, power. This conflict lead to death of many people and deciet. So can many marital conflicts.

  6. #1. A symbole is something that represents something else by association, resemblance, or convention, especially a material object used to represent something like emotions in and about the play, poem, movie etc.
    #2. There could be many different symbols in moves, plays or books about divorce. One such symbol could be a broken ring. The broken ring could simbolize the broken cycle of trust between both partners.Another one could be a riped photograph of the couple. It would reprisent on going seperaation between the two. Also it could reprisent someone or something coming between them.

  7. 1. A simbol is something that represents a significance in a book, story, play, etc.

    2. If I was writing a play , a simbol I would use would be many portraits of the once happy couple. First, would be the couple all lovey dovey smiling with each other. The next picture would be the smile fading away. The last picture would be the once happy couple completly seperated, not touching, and not even looking at each other. Now, for a movie, there would be a rose. In the beginning, the rose would be at its best. Then everytime the couple would have a conflict, a petal would fall off the rose until all the petals are gone and it's just the stem alone.

  8. 1. A symbol in literature can be anything all depends on what you read. Just about every book I've read which have all been school books have symbols in them. In Julius Caesar Omens were symbols that were used a lot. Some s symbols are literal while some a figurative like the seeds in the Death of a Salesmen.

    2. I think a few symbols could be a wedding ring, a balloon, or even a dress. There is a lot of things to choose from the thing that mostly matters is what they mean.

  9. A symbol is something that is used to represent a certain idea of some sort. Like using an item to describe something to give you a better meaning. Like for example if you were to describe yourself in anyway you would need something that symbolize you. Another example is what does a degree symbolize? It symbolize that you have work hard threw school and have gone threw many trials in other to receive that kind of reward.

    Something that could symbolize a story would be a ring. A ring would represnt marriage. A bond where two people become partners who swear to love each other until death do them part. It also symbolize that your heart belongs to just one person. You voewd to only stand by his or her side. To love and share your fortunes and misfortunes as a family. To agree and also disagree.
