Monday, October 15, 2012

Favorite Poem and Why

Post Below


  1. My favorite poem is my own poem called When I Was Young. It must've taken me about two hours to write it and I would have to say that it was definitely worth the time. After completing the poem I realized that it was one of my best poems ever written and one of my favorites as well. The reason I claim this poem as my favorite is because the rhymes that I use it this poem are unexpected and therefore keeps the it interesting. The poem also gives the reader something to think about while I, the writer, change the settings frequently from the beach to outer space. The point of the poem is to describe the imagination that a child can create. In the poem a child is at the beach but is having an out of world this experience,literally. The child is imagining herself in a spaceship, having a war against aliens. When I Was Young includes a juxtapose when outer space is being compared to the beach. A reader would also be able to imagine the situations as they take place with the great description and imagery that can be found in the poem. All in all it is a very interesting poem and will keep readers entertained.

  2. Avondaya Wardlaw

    One of my favorite poems are To Sleep and Live by Marilyn Monroe. This poem helps me under go the realization of dreams and how they are different from reality. Although when you lose someone you want to remember all of the good memories that you had with that person. But, there comes a time where you have to stop dreaming and continue to live.

  3. Stephanie Alvarado- One of my favorite poems I've read this year was one called Daydreaming by Kevin Glenn. I like this poem because It's a perfect example of how my behavior is during a boring class lecture. Just like in the poem I usualy just stare at the wall and imagine I'm in a completly diferent world and I only snap back into reality when the teacher anounces the homework and the bell rings. I can compare myself to this poem and that's why I like it.

  4. "The Rose That Grew From Concrete" By: Tupac Shakur
    In this poem Tupac personifies a rose. This beautiful rose grows up and out of this harsh environment, however that does not stop it from "breathing". Even though it grew in this burdensome place that did not stop it from achieving its goals. My interest to this poem is the message it proceeds to its viewers. Although one has lived or developed in a harsh environment with their goals/dreams they can still be a beautiful rose sticking out of "a crack in the concrete". One can still reach success no matter how much they are affected by their environment and the people around them. Tupac gives readers the motivation to look at the brighter side of their lives in a short simple eight lined poem. The motivation, courage, and imagery is the reasons for my liking.

  5. KeyShaun Mack

    One of my favorite poems I've read this year was one called, I Dream A World by Langston Hughes.I like this poem because it was just like Martin Luther King Jr's message to the United States back then. There Was a special line that I really felt. "A world I dream where black or white,Whatever race you be,Will share the bounties of the earth". That Parts mean that we will be able to live in one contry as a whole.

  6. Jennifer Alvarado-My favorite poem is called "Fate and Destiny" by Robert Grimes because it talks about a controversial issue about life. When I read this poem it reminds me of the dificult life many people may have, and they have fate and destiny to blame. The main point I think the author is trying to persuade you to think about is that you have the power to shape your own future. The best part of the poem is "If our Destiny has yet to be choosen but our fate is sealed, then is not our destiny already choosen?" The reason why I enjoy it is because it makes you wonder if you're really doing the correct things in lifes that will affect you in the future.

  7. Karen Arias- "Life is Fine" by Langston Hughes is a poem I always read. Its inspirational and has a strong meaning. When I'm down and in need of a motivation to keep living I read it. The last stanza of the poem is the part that motivates me because it says " Though you may hear me holler,
    And you may see me cry
    I'll be dogged, sweet baby,
    If you gonna see me die." It leaves me with a positive perspective of the situation that I go through. This poem is another way of telling myself that I wont give up on life because LIFE IS FINE !

  8. Lofaine Bradford- One of my favorite poems is a spoken word poem named "We Made It" by Sunni Patterson.It is inspirational and moving in a shockingly truthful yet beautiful way. Patterson does not sugar coated anything and that just made the effect the poem even stronger and more meaningful. I have never read a poem that has made me feel as sad yet motivated as this poem as has. "We Made It" made me take a long look at the world around me. Thank you Sunni Patterson.

  9. My favorite poem is Facing It by Yusef Komunyakaa because when you read it u can actually visualize what he is saying and that you can feel his pain and how he felt when he talk about him being in war.

  10. Luther, you spelled Yusef Komunyakaa correct but "you" wrong. Come on, man!

  11. My favorite poem is "Where The Sidewalk Ends" by Shel Silverstein. In this poem, he talks about a place at the end of a sidewalk,that is better than the one that we live in. It is a place that we can find comfort in and to forget all of our problems. Yet, in order for us to get there we must follow the children. By this he means that we must reach deep into our imaginative and creative sides and become carefree like children. Only then will we be able to reach "where the sidewalk ends". I like this poem because Shel Silverstein is advising us to not always look at the world in a serious light. We should let our ideas of the world run wild and make the best of our problems no matter what they are.

  12. Mr. Larkin,

    One of my favorite poems that I have read, within the last two months is Annabel Lee by Edgar Allen oe. I enjoy the alteration, metaphors and repetition used in this poem. Poe's repetition of Annabel Lee's name was, in my opinion, very helpful in conveying her importance to him. Also, the love he had for her and the manner in which he was attracted to her, were displayed when he compared her to angels describing how now that she was gone all the angels in heaven would be jealous. His poem contains a lot of exposed and hidden emotion that a reader like myself would enjoy very much. - Yaramo Dione: Block 4A

  13. My favorite poem was facing it by yusef komunyakka. The reason i like this poem is because he used a lot of useful writing techniques and he told a very important story that would definitely leave an imprint on the reader. It took a lot of courage for him to writ about his dark past experiences which gives the poem extra volume. He started out describing his setting without telling, uses a flash back then returns to his setting in a perfect flow. This is why i love this poem.

  14. Jerry Racine October 16th 2012 10:29(pm)

    My favorite poem is "I dont want to live forever"by the Bryce Post.I like it beacause it reaches out to my level of interest.To me Its not an ordinary poem, and his topic remains controversial at the same time.More of, the reaction it sends out to its audience. In the poem he describes how living forever isn't all that great.Along the way the author uses relatable details that I can make a connection to and relate simultaneously. Tools that I find interesting into building strong writing Techniques;and the best part about the poem is the reaction it sends to the crowd. A key utensil i've been working on for many years as a writer.It's not the constructive critcsm im after, but the crowds reaction.

  15. Javonie Bond

    The poem that I recently enjoyed the most was one by Mark R. Slaughter called "Tearful Eyes". It expalins how the mirror tells the truth- and nothing but the truth, no matter how harsh. It shows how mirrors leave no room for dreaming. It tells you you can't even if you want to believe you can. Also, in a way, it limits you. In the poem, this guy comes face to face with a mirror. He then drifts off into a dream, where he is a mighty warrior, leads his people to victory, and becomes a hero. He is then brought back into reality. And by what? The mirror.

  16. I have read several poems that I can easily say have touched me deeply and triggered some type of emotion from me. However no poem has ever had quite as much of an affect on me as the poem I wrote called "nigga". Maybe it was because this poem derived so much from me or maybe it's because I was extremely passionate about the topic, I'm not too sure. What ever it was made me extremely excited about the beautiful mystical world of poetry. It opened my eyes and filled me with enough confidence to last an entire week. I read that poem to anything that moved, whether they wanted to listen to it or not. I loved the strong comparisons I made and the strong emotions it reveals from the people I read it too. I especially love the way I ended it. It had a powerful effect that leaves the reader thinking and in awe.

  17. My favorite poem is "I Am Not Yours" by Sara Teasdale. The reason I like this poem so much, is because I can really relate to it. It talks about being loved by someone, but not being their's because you cannot lose yourself in them, even if you truly want to. It uses many metaphors such as "Lost as a candle lit at noon, Lost as a snowflake in the sea" when it describes being lost in love. The author sees the person's spirit as "beautiful and bright", and she longs to return the love in the same way. The words flow, and are easily understood, while still keeping the reader interested. It allows the reader to feel the author's emotions.

  18. My favorite poem at the moment is called F*ck I Look Like by Kai Davis. Its a very controversial poem because its about how black people oppress each other, and how we allow ourselves to be oppressed by the white man and convinced that because we are black we are dumb. I love this poem because it just over flows with truth, and I relate to it in so many ways. she talks about things that i myself talk with my own friends about, like how kids hate reading and how "intelligence is a white trait." The author has great flow and is easily understood too. However, her message can be misconstrued as more "black person who hates whites", but its just about how black people just sit back and let what we were told hundreds of years ago still have weight today.

  19. My favorite poem is "Streamside Exchange" by John Pepper Clark. I don't really know why i love this poem but i guess I love it because, it talks about the future put in the simple frame work of childhood anxiety.

  20. One of my favorite poems is "When I Die" by Nikki Giovanni. The poem is really short but explains my emotion after someone I care about hurts me.The poem grabs your attention in the middle and I quote " i hope their eyes fall out
    and a million maggots that had made up their brains
    crawl from the empty holes and devour the flesh" The Poet at the end even make you want to know know more about her emotions.
