Friday, September 16, 2011

Extra Credit Opportunity- Let Your Voice Be Heard

There is a young man named Troy Davis on death row. He is slated to be killed September 21.

To earn 10 extra credit points, find two news articles about him, online or in print. Then write a two paragraph post arguing your opinion of his case, based on the facts and opinions you learned about in your research. Give a citation of the the articles.
Do not use first person, such as "I." Do not "guess" or say maybe. Declare your beliefs as strong factual, evidence-backed statements. There is no room for doubt.

This post is due Tuesday before class.


  1. after reading about the case of troy davis, it has been brought to my attention that the state of Georgia will be killing an innocent man. in my readings i found that there is no hard evidence that points that davis killed officer macphail. they are basing the trail on eyewitnesses, who has claimed that they "had felt pressure by police to implicate davis".
    further readings i found that this case is based on racism. many believe that they are blaming davis for killing the police officer because he was the only man of color that was in the group that had broken out into an argument. based on my findings, davis being trailed for being killed is not right.

  2. In 1991, Troy Davis was accused of murdering a cop in the state of Georgia. He was ACCUSED,not found nor proven guilty. There wasn't and still isn't any stable evidence that puts him as the killer of the Georgia cop. No forensic evidence of gunpowder on his fingers, or a gun was ever found. In this case he was guilty before being proven so, instead of the usual innocent until being proven guilty.
    Evidence that is suppose to be accurate and incriminating is the testimonies of nine witnesses. In those witnesses, seven have contradicted their testimony. Some have even signed sworn affidavits saying they were coerced or persuaded by police to testify against Davis. Majority of those witnesses are not concrete nor trust,and they are basing a persons' life on instability, untrustworthy resources and incompetent police who are basing their prosecution of Troy Davis on evidence that is little to none or cease to exist.

    "Troy Davis | Amnesty International USA." Amnesty International USA | Protect Human Rights. Web. 19 Sept. 2011.

    "Don't Let Georgia Kill Troy Davis." Human Rights Now - Amnesty International USA Blog. Web. 19 Sept. 2011. .

  3. The Troy Davis case is an outrageous case. The people who conducted the Davis case did a great job, because they took their time finding as much evidence as they could. They also arrested him numerous times so that he wouldn't try to run or think of any ideas, while they were investigating, the crime. They mentioned that their were to people that testified, and said that Davis did the crime. " Two others testified that Davis had confessed the murder to them. " Another, thing they mentioned in the article was " Seven of the original nine eyewitnesses who had linked Davis to the killing recanted all or part of their trial testimony. ". Those statements will lead to the finally, and concluding decisions of the death of Troy Davis.



  4. The case of Troy Davis is a sad but not surprising situation involving a young black man and the fight against Americas statistics. This case is based upon pure racism, lies, fear, and a corrupt system. Troy Davis is not an A student, a college graduate, or a doctor in the medical field but he is a human being. This man, years ago, was accused of a crime that he did not commit. It was said that Davis on August 19,1989 shot and killed police officer Mark MacPhail.
    Not only is there not any substantial evidence in this case that should incriminate Davis but the witnesses do not have solid encounters of the incident. Some had recant their testimony, others are young children badgered into speaking, and others have criminal records that fit the profile of a murderer being as though they were at the scene of the crime. Although shell casings were found at the scene of the crime no weapon was found. The evidence did not tie Davis into the incident. It was a matter of being in the wrong place at the wrong time.


    "Troy Davis Facing Execution Date Any Day Now | Truthout." Truthout | Fearless, Independent News and Opinion. 9 May 2011. Web. 19 Sept. 2011. .

    "Troy Davis Case." Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. Web. 19 Sept. 2011. .

  5. Troy Davis case is a very unfair case and had also brought a lot of attention all over the country. in my opinion troy i dont think that he killed the officer. even if he did he is not the first person to kill of shoot somebody so he shouldnt be on a death row inmate.its also the first time that the U.S supreme had done a death row inmate in at least 50 years.i also think that this case have something to do with racism. the interesting part is seven of the nine witnesses who said Davis was the shooter have since changed their story. in my believes troy is an innocent guy and he souldnt be convictend for some thing he didnt do.

  6. This is a sad story that you five students (and six others who turned in hard-copies) were able to follow pre, during, and post execution. It's like you watched a man die, knowing the odds stacked against him, but while also seeing how little total evidence is needed in America to convict minorities of crimes.
