Friday, September 2, 2011


Welcome, classes!

Please add a comment and post your answer to the following question. If you were marooned on a deserted island, what meal, book, and luxury item would you bring if all the essentials were already provided?

You can't say boat or anything to get you off the island!


Mr. Larkins


  1. Matthew Christian

    If i was stuck on for my meal i would bring alot of Mcdonalds. The book i would bring is 'The Last Olympian',and if i had the chose a luxury item i would bring the internet.

  2. If I was stranded on a deserted island, I'd bring lots of snack packs (cookies, pudding, ice-cream...), and home-made meals with me. I'd bring "The Things We Do For Love" -book. My luxury item would have to be my PC, so I'd bring that along too.

  3. lidya tesfaye
    If i was stuck on an island, for meal i would bring my ethnic food, for book i would bring lord of the flies,and for luxury i would bring my laptop.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. If I was stuck on an island , one meal I would bring would be some Jamaican dishes . A book I would bring would be any book from the Twilight series. Lastly , a luxury item i would bring would be a cell phone with reception or laptop .

  6. Alexia Grant

    If I was stranded on an island and able to have a couple of things it would be these things for these reason alone. The book I had chosen would be The Official Urban and Wilderness Emergency Survival Guide by Robert Pelton. Since this would give me the information I would need in order to survive. Then the type of meal or food I would bring with me would be non – perishable items for eating, would be cereal or cereal bars such as granola bars, dried fruits, tea, instant food that only needs hot water to cook it. The luxury would be a cabin or a shelter either one would work just fine. Since they would have the job of protecting me form Mother Nature’s fury. Then I would also need a litter along with pans for water or the food. Along with the Brita Bottle that for filtering my drinking water. Along with a month’s worth of changing of clothing for I could was and keep them clean.

  7. If I were to be Marooned on a desserted island, the meal I would want to bring is Pupusas; a typical Salvadorian food.The book I choose to bring is The Book Thief because it is a story told by Death itself, about how a young girl develops a love for books and word just like her dead brother. Lastly, the one luxury item I would want to bring is my cellphone. Although I might not be able to receive a signal and call for help, I would be still be entertained.

  8. Hilda Agyekum
    If I were marooned on a deserted island I would bring with me my most favorite meal, waakye with tomato stew and goat meat. For the book, I would bring my Bible to give me spiritual guidance and comfort and finally for the luxury item, I would bring a diamond locket with a picture of my family in it, so I won't ever forget who I am.

  9. Avionne Wallace

    If I was marooned on a deserted island, I would have various supplies with me so that I would be able to survive. For starters, a meal that I would have, will be one of my basic cultural dishes, to remind me of home. Secondly, a novel that I would have with me would be "That was then, this is now" by S.E Hinton, so that I won't get bored frequently and it would hold my interest. Finally, a luxurious thing that I would have with me would be an Ipod, so that I would be entertained at times, and I would be able to relax even though I'm all alone on an island.

  10. If I was stranded on a deserted island. The food I'd bring would be a typical Dominican dish platano con salami because its delicious. The book I'd bring would be a manga called Hajime no Ippo. The luxury item would be something that i could survive with like a switch blade or a machete if possible a survival kit.

  11. If I was stranded on a deserted island, one meal i would bring is ox tail, rice and peas with steamed cabbage. A book I would bring to read is "I Am The Cheese" by Robert Cormier. One luxury item i would have to bring would be a solar powered iPod so i can listen to my music 24/7.

  12. If I was stranded on a deserted island, the food i would bring is rice with goat meat because it taste delicious. The book I would bring is Of Mice and Men.The luxury item i would bring is either my laptop or a survival kit.

  13. Sophia C.
    If I was stuck in a stranded Island I would bring one of my favorite’s books the hunger game, catching fire, and the mocking jay. The luxury item I would bring is my IPod. Also I would bring my favorite foods.

  14. I i were stranded on a deserted Island I would bring food that would replenish my energy. The books i would bring are mystery and adventures books that keeps me excited and wanting to read ore. As for a luxury item I would bring my ipod to keep me relax.

  15. Dharmendra G.

    If I was stranded on a deserted island for a meal I would bring lots of chocolate pudding because that is one of my favorite snacks.For a book I would bring anything that has a mystery to it. Finally one luxury item I would bring is my ipod so I wont feel alone.

  16. If I was marooned on a deserted island the meal I would want is a plate of chicken and rice. The book I would take is "The Lone Ranger and Tonto Fistfight in Heaven" because its such a great book. The luxury item would be a solar powered ipod to help pass time.

  17. If I was marooned on a deserted island the meal that I would have to bring is my favorite Chinese dish, chicken and broccoli with shrimp fried rice. As for a book, I would bring "Silent to the Bone" by E.L. Konigsburg. Even though I’ve read it numerous times its still seems to surprise me. Lastly, the luxury device that I would bring would be a solar powered cell phone. This way, when I get lonely I’m able to call loved ones and maybe even someone to come rescue me.

  18. If i was marooned on a deserted island the meal i would bring is a Spanish dish. It consists of potatoes corn beef hash, and cheese , also a Spanish spice. The book that i would bring with me will be " Scorpions " by Walter Dean Myers. Last, the luxury device i will bring with me will be a satellite cell phone. In that case, i can call for my rescue or call my closests friends.

  19. If I was isolate on a deserted island, I would bring any canned meal, this is because canned food can be preserved for more time. In the other hand, a book I'll bring is one of my favrite books, its called Breaking Dawn by Stephenie Meyer. I really enjoy reading this book so I wont feel bored or nothing. Lastly a luxury item that I would bring is a Casio watch. I would bring speacially this type of watch instead of a cellphone or anything else because is an island and theres no signal or power energy so this watches provide some light and it doesnt need to be recharge. Also, it would help me keep track of time. I believe this items would help me survive until someone rescues me.

  20. I am very impressed by the diversity and thoughtfulness of your posts! I am getting to know everybody a little better. I did not even think of solar power - that's excellent.

    Keep in mind that writing on the internet means following the same rules as on paper. Capitalize your "I" and reread out loud before you hit post.

    My response: If I were marooned on a deserted island, I would like to have ravioli to eat. To read, I would want John Steinbeck's novel The Grapes of Wrath because it is about a strenuous journey. I do a lot of writing so I would want my luxury item to be a laptop.


  21. If I was marooned on a deserted island, The meal I would like to have would be my aunt's macaroni and cheese, yams and baked chicken. Its my favorite comfort food. The book I would have with me would be Paulo Coelho's The Alchemist, it's a very in-depth book and it makes you think about your own personal journey and legends. A luxury item I would bring would be an Ipad.

  22. If I was marooned on a desert island, the meal I would like to have is my grandmother's baked ziti because I could eat it all day. The book I would have is A Series of Unfortunate Events because even though it's not one of the most heartwarming books I never get tired of reading it. The luxury item I would have is an ipod touch so I could zone myself out and forget about where I am.

  23. If I was stranded on a deserted island, the meal I would bring is a italian dish or one of my favorite snacks. The book I would bring is Blessings in Disguise, a luxury item I would use is a ipod to listen to music to when I'm bored.

  24. If I were marooned on a deserted island , and I had the opportunity to bring a meal , book , and luxury item , my meal of choice would be a chicken cesar salad , ice cream and lots of water to stay hydrated . My book of choice would be Stormbreaker and my luxury item would be my Blackerry , because its goes everywhere with me .

  25. If I were marooned on a deserted island and I had the opportunity to bring a meal, a book, and a luxury item. I would bring some of my favorite snacks and foods. Of course I would bring water, to stay hydrated. I would also bring my favorite book the Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn by Stephanie Meyer. My luxury item most likely would be my cell phone, so I can call someone to rescue me and talk to some of my closest friends and family.

  26. if i was stuck on a deserted island, i would bring some chinese, italian, and also some junk food. i would bring the airhead series by meg cabot. my luxury item would be a laptop so that i can go online and talk to people and get help.

  27. Charles Moss,

    If I were marooned on a deserted island I would bring one of my favorite foods, which is fried shrimp. If I had the option of bringing a book it would be the novel, To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee. It is one of my favorite stories and the plot holds my interest each time that I read it. Finally, my slection as a luxury item would be a cell phone. With my cell phone , I would be able to contact my family and communicate with others, as well as entertaining myself by accessing social networks such as facebook etc.

  28. If I was stranded on an island the boo i would bring is how to survive If i was stranded on an island for dummies . The meal i would bring is collard greens , mac&cheese ,and chocolate on chocolate cake. The luxury item i would bring is My Ipod.

  29. If i was marooned on a deserted island.I would bring alot of canned food,becausei know that canned food can be preserved and it would takes really long time for it to get rotten and also alot of bottles of water.The book i would take with me would be les stroud,ist about a man that shows to people how to suvive like for example on a deserted island. For the luxury item i would bring a boat with a motor for me to get out of the deserted island as soon as i can.

  30. If i was stranded on an island the books i would bring with me would be the harry potter series. while there i could read to keep my mind occupied for the time being.for food i would bring a few junk foods and canned foods to last way longer.for luxury i would bring a couch so i could sit or sleep on it instead of the hard floors to sleep on.

  31. If I was stranded on a island, I would bring any Walter Dean Myers books because they usually always catch my attention. The food that I would bring is Chicken, because that's my favorite food. The item that I would bring is a gun, so I could kill any animal or thing, that tries to kill me or I can kill it for getting food purposes.

  32. If I was stranded on a island, I would bring pizza as my meal.It's my soul food,comfort food, my breakfast and dinner. My book of choice would have to be The Crossing by Gary Pulsen.I could not forget about my number one love, my iPod or Betsy (that's what I call her). I would listen to it until it plays no more.

  33. If I was stranded on a island, I would bring Chinese food as a mean. For a book, it would have to deal with mystery. As a luxury item, i would bring a laptop.

  34. Please provide your name so I can give you credit.

  35. meal I would bring chicken Alfredo, I'm a pasta lover and would love to eat that everyday.
    As an luxury item, I'd bring bug spray , because I absolutely HATE bugs, especially mosquitoes and cannot stand their bites. Lastly , a book that I would bring is the book , Speak , It's a very inspirational and good book to read , that I can read over and over non-stop.
