Wednesday, March 14, 2012




  1. I didn't feel like watching the video, but I did see a movie with a guy trying to save Africans children from being enslaved, and fight for Kony. The movie was called the Machine Gun Preacher. He was compared to Kony by a doctor in the movie, she told him people began to say he had special powers and they said the same thing about Kony before he became bad Kony. This movie was based on a true story and he's still over there fighting for these kids. Larkins you need to watch this it's a good movie.

  2. I think the idea of #StopKony is great but I think they should of did this a while ago. Kony is like a modern Hitler if you ask me. But now instead of Jews, he's doing it to little boys and girls that are African and making them kill their parents and other people. They are making the females sex slaves and are making them have babys so they can repeat the process.

  3. This video and articles makes me feel ignorant for and along with the world. For this dilemma seems to be happening for years. But no one seems to take it seriously. All it seems to be is another crisis that the U.S WON’T OR CAN’T FIX. I do believe that the steps that are taken to stop Kony are progress. Yet it extremely slow though. I think I would feel better if he was out of the world and there’s not to be a repeat or even someone to follow in his footsteps.

  4. The whole Kony2012 is a waste of time. This has been going on for years and they suddenly want to stop it. If they really had their hearts in it they would of let the world known about this situation a long time ago. Wanting to find and capture Joseph Kony by the end of this year isn't enough time, just look how long it took to find Osama Bin Laden. Kony2012 is a good cause but I see it as "too little, too late." If they are able to find Joseph Kony by the end of the year, it would be a miracle but it just isn't enough time especially he knows that we have found out about him and are looking for him.

  5. After watching the Kony Video, I think its quite admirable how many people are reaching out to lend a hand to Uganda. I believe this movement will is a good cause and Kony definitely needs to be stopped. One thing I don't necessarily agree with is the timing. Kony has been kidnapping children for many years. I just find it wrong that our nations have "turned the other cheek" until now. I'm all for the movement 100% however, I just wish we would've nipped this issue in the bud when there weren't so many lives taken and at stake.

  6. The first time I watched this video was in my health class, when a friend of mine showed it to me, and it just broke my heart. It also shocked me to know that this was going on, and that i didn't have a clue about it. This whole idea that these guys have of stopping Kony is a great and splendid one. Although many might agree that it is already too late to save these innocent kids, I believe that there is still hope, because after all we do live in a world of many possibilities and anything can be done no matter the amount of time given as long as we all try our hardest.

  7. Avionne Wallace
    This video brought a lot of terror and pain to my eyes because it showed me how thousands of children were forced to do things that they didn't feel comfortable doing for Joseph Kony. This man is a disgrace to the human race simply because he has been doing sick things: abducting innocent children, making them kill their families and forcing them to be a part of his army, L.R.A. Even though that I am in favor of what people are doing today to make Kony known for the heartless things that he did throughout his life, I think that they should have started to make these big changes years ago. Despite the fact that Kony was not that well known back then, i'm pretty sure that there were several people that knew about him and the terrible things that he did. Although that change is being made, the experiences of those children that had to suffer and go through the terrorizing situations that Kony put them through, they would always live with that memory for the rest of their lives, but at least they are also helping and taking the initiatives to help make Joseph Kony popular for his malacious behavior and motives. However, it really bothers me to find out that while millions of us are living life luciously, there are billions of innocent kids just like us, especially from Uganda that had to experience traumatic situations. In conclusion, once again, I like the fact that a lot of people are taking action for what this man has done in his life and I fully support it, but I think that he has done what he wanted to do already and stopping him now, can't help us to erase the memories and experiences that millions of kids had to face. All in all, I hope that Kony gets what he deserves because it is very sad that he treated people and have them do all of those terrifying things to others. However, I think that he did all of these brutal things to probably show and make others experience what he might have faced when he was younger; that is usually the case for people like Joseph Kony.

  8. When I watched the Kony video, the question came to me: How can you be so cruel to abduct hundreds of thousands of children to make an army with no purpose? I mean, the video said that he had the child army to stay in power. That to me is not a good enough reason to be an actual reason why he would do such a thing. Joseph Kony has a similar mentality to Hitler, he doesn't have the same intentions but he has similar ideas. Kony definitely needs to be found and whatever is coming his way, he he should be ready for it. He may be deserve to be treated in such a way but those kinds in Uganda don't; nobody does.

  9. The whole idea of Kony is disgusting and shameful if you ask me. Joseph Kony is a crazed man, and needs to be put down. He is taking little boys and girls and turning them into his slaves. Also, turning the little girls into his sex slaves as well. So they can have babies and repeat the process. But something about this whole situation is weird. This whole disturbing idea of Kony has been going around for years but now people want to make some noise about it. Why start now when you should of started years ago. The government knew this was going around, but never bothered to do anything about it. And why is that ? Why start making a concern now ? That is what i still don't get.

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  10. The worst part about the whole Kony situation is that he is not the only man out there doing these terrible things. Kony is just one of the many men who kidnap children and turn them into soldiers. Instead of just complaining about it, since we are finally aware of the situation we need to ind a way to solve this problem. Although this should have been brought to the publics attention years ago.

  11. I'm only sorry that it took so long and so many lives for the world to open their eyes. The children who were taken will never forget and always remember what happened to them when It is all over; they will be scared for life. It's awful that someone would even think that they have the right to do anything of that nature to his/her own people or even take advantage of them. We have to stand together to keep the movement strong and valid in the eyes of everyone.

  12. I believe the idea of Kony 2012 is great but I think they should do something instead of publishing it all over the internet. Kony is life murdering little boys and girls that are African and making them kill their parents and other people. He is making the girls sex slaves too. He has to be stoped and therefore the government needs to help but liking and sharing the videos or something else is not actually going to help those kids in Africa, its sad but true.

  13. I believe that the whole Kony thing is horrible. The fact that we have someone like him in this world that is treating kids the way he is is very disturbing. How can someone like this even exist is a question i would ask but if you think about it there are or were people like him. Even thought this has been going on for a while no one took that much notice until the year 2012. I believe we should really should do something than just sit around and wait and watch to see what is going to happen next.

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  15. I think Kony is one of the worst people born. Seein this video had an effect one me. I think America should do all we can to help these children. To kidnap children and force them do to cruel things is evil. His army should turn on him and have him arrested. Everyone who watched this video should help make Kony famous. If a lot of people know about it, more can be done to help
