Thursday, October 13, 2011


Due Monday

Honors and CP English II
1.Write a sonnet
2. Complete assonance and consonance sheet for "Repetition" by Kay Ryan

3.Write one paragraph on the effect assonance and consonance  have on the rhythm of Kay Ryan's poem "Repetition."

4. Study for Unit Test


1. Bring in a news article that uses transitional phrases in a way you're either curious or unsure about.
2.Test Grade 2. Write one body paragraph for our Debate prompt (paying honors and AP students $250 per class/ for or against) and use at least two proper transitional phrases.


  1. "One thing I have always been proud of is that I never raised my hand against my mother."
    Something I will continually be pleased about is that not at any time have I lifted my arm opposite to the woman who gave birth to me.

  2. "If you want something you better make noise"
    This quote is saying that if you want something,or want something to change you should let it be known that you are willing to make an effort by voicing how you feel and what you want.Otherwise, you will fade into the background and be stepped on.

  3. Hilda Agyekum
    "Up you mighty race, you can accomplish what you will!".
    On your feet, strong people of common descent, you have the ability to achieve what you aim for.
    What this quote means is that when people from the same background stand together and work as one, everything, and I mean everything is possible for them and works out perfectly.

  4. "My mother was, above everything else, a proud woman" this quote is saying that even though is mom is in the pit of her day , she still holds her head up high and take care of her children by excepting widows pension and money from the states and donations. I can relate to this quote because no matter how low my mom might feel she still supports her children and be a loving indpendent woman she is

  5. '' Even though they appeared to have opened the door, it was still closed''. The whites let Malcolm in their house, but he was still considered a ''nigger'' and talked about like he was. What this quote means is that even though the nice ''whites'' accepted Malcolm in their home, Malcolm will still be an African-American. Just because one set of white people treat him with respect like hes an human being, doesn't mean every other white person will.

  6. "Credit is the first step into debt and back into slavery".
    Loan is the dawning of unpaid bills and a step back into a system in which people are treated as property and are forced to work (they have no other choice).
    This quote is basically saying that, a person may get all what he/she needs with the loan from the credit card he/she is given, but still has to pay back. However, if the person is unable to pay back, he/she has to work in order to produce the money he/she is owing. In some cases, the debtors might even be owing a lot of money to the extent that they have to work for the bank owners in order to pay off for their debts.
